Greetings, fellow magical traveler! As you embark on your enchanting journey through the most immersive land in all of Orlando, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, you simply must quench your thirst with a Butterbeer. 🍺✨

Let's dive into the delightful assortment of Butterbeer beverages that await you:

Cold Butterbeer

Cold Butterbeer is the only carbonated version of Butterbeer available in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This is a butterscotch soda with a nondairy foam that has a subtle toasted marshmallow-like flavor. It is a smooth, rather refreshing drink. It can be purchased in a recyclable cup or a souvenir tankard (same for the frozen option). While drinking you get a “Butterbeer mustache”, It’s a really cute photo opportunity.

Cold Butterbeer and frozen Butterbeer are the most abundant of the varieties of Butterbeer in the parks. In Diagon Alley, cold Butterbeer is available at The Hopping Pot, The Leaky Cauldron, and inside The Fountain of Fair Fortune. In Hogsmeade, you can quench your thirst with this drink at the Three Broomsticks, Hog’s Head, and at various Butterbeer drink carts throughout the town

Frozen Butterbeer

This one is the fan favorite! This is for a couple reasons, the biggest being that the park is very hot and humid most days, the frozen Butterbeer is a nice refresher. Also, it is a super sweet drink with a consistency of an ICEE, so the sweetness seems to fit better and not rest on your tongue as much since it’s served with a straw.

As mentioned alongside cold Butterbeer, the frozen Butterbeer drink can be found throughout both Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade, in all the same places as the cold version of the buttery drink. In Diagon Alley, frozen Butterbeer is available at The Hopping Pot, The Leaky Cauldron, and inside The Fountain of Fair Fortune.

Hot Butterbeer

The flavor of hot Butterbeer is quite distinct from the cold and frozen variations. To me, the foam-topped hot Butterbeer tastes similar to a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, but with an undeniable butterscotch flavor rather than coffee. Many like flavor the best of the three drinks because it isn’t so sweet.

The hot Butterbeer is only available in the Three Broomsticks and in Hog’s Head (the pub attached to the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade) and the drink carts, and in the Leaky Cauldron and The Hopping Pot in Diagon Alley.

Pro Tip: Make sure to check and see if you can mobile order you Butterbeer from the Hopping Pot to avoid long waits.

Butterbeer Potted Cream

Dive into a decadent dessert experience with Butterbeer Potted Cream. It's a luscious, caramel-flavored treat topped with a delightful layer of butterscotch-flavored cream. Indulge your sweet tooth and savor the magical flavors.

Butterbeer Fudge

For a portable taste of magic, grab some Butterbeer Fudge. It's rich, it's sweet, and it's infused with that iconic butterscotch flavor. The perfect souvenir or snack for your wizarding adventure.

Butterbeer Ice Cream

If you're in the mood for a sweet treat with a magical twist, don't miss the Butterbeer Ice Cream. It's a delightful blend of the classic Butterbeer flavor in a frozen, creamy form. It's like the dessert version of your favorite wizarding beverage. This can be found at

Butterbeer Hard Candy

Carry a pocketful of wizarding delight with Butterbeer-flavored Hard Candy. It's a sweet and nostalgic way to enjoy the taste of Butterbeer on the go.

So, whether you're sipping a classic Cold Butterbeer, indulging in a warm Hot Butterbeer, or exploring the delectable Butterbeer-inspired treats, your taste buds are in for a magical journey of their own. Cheers to a fantastical day in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! 🍻🪄✨


Eat at Toothsome Chocolate Emporium